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Ariyh Pro: How do you re-engage old customers of an online experience?

Science-based insights to improve a customer reactivation campaign for an online team-building activity

This is an Ariyh Pro exclusive šŸ”’ Q&A newsletter, where Pro members ask questions about their marketing problems - and I answer them using the latest scientific evidence.

Topics: Ecommerce | Messaging & Copy | Referrals | Promotions
For: B2C

šŸ‘¤ Question from

Justin Blake, Founder and Shark Scientist at NGO RockHopper, which supports marine science and conservation.

ā“ Question

My product is a 1 hour, live online 'edutainment' team-building experience where people get to learn about the science and life of sharks in a fun and interactive session.

I have not contacted any of my previous customers going back at least 2 years.

How do I best reconnect with them?

šŸŽ“ Answer

I love how you managed to successfully turn an activity thatā€™s typically in-person (experiencing marine life and how you study it) into an online experience. We can all learn from that, props to you!

There are three key elements that you need to get right to maximize the effectiveness of these reachouts:

  • Help recall the experience

  • Be clear on what youā€™re asking

  • Give a compelling offer

Help recall the experience

First of all, you want people to easily remember the best parts of their experience with you. To do so, try to do all or at least some of the following:

  • Personalize your message by including the receiverā€™s name in an email subject line or in the message to increase their attention [Ariyh insight].

  • Mention your name and the name of the experience.

  • Open with a question (e.g. ā€œDo you remember me?ā€), so that people are more likely to like you and respond to you.

  • Mention the ā€˜peakā€™ moment of the experience that they are most likely to positively remember.

  • Include one or more images of the best, most memorable moments of the experience (visuals are better at helping recall something).

  • Create a clear sense of ā€œan endā€ to their previous participation (following the peak-end rule) - mention how they contributed to your conservation efforts.

Be clear on what youā€™re asking

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